This project consists of a series of images created using Artificial Intelligence tools. The objective is twofold, as the duality of the title itself suggests. On the one hand the 'what': a reportage denouncing the contradictions and profound changes caused by man's reckless behavior: climate change, the exploitation of natural resources, the uncontrolled production of products harmful to himself and to the environment. All this is the source of conflicts, serious social inequalities, environmental pollution, poverty and death.
On the other hand, the "how": a reflection on Artificial Intelligence and its impact on photography: a tool so powerful that it blurs the line between true and false, real and artifact. An exploration of the relationship between man and technology somewhere between the present and the future. The risk is that one of the many 'possible truths' will replace 'facts': how will we be able to trust the information that is presented to us? Will we still be able to feel empathy or indignation at what we see?
The content of the images is deliberately provocative, as in the modern Nativity set in the territories plagued by the conflict between Hamas and Israel, or the urban and seascapes defaced by plastic and rubbish. The contrast between the glittering 'Ville lumière' or the Vatican in Rome and the grim reality of people living on the margins, without a future; the mute face of a child in one of the many places in the world, such as Burkina Faso, ravaged by hunger and poverty. And again, the relentless struggle of the US and Mexican authorities to seize lethal drugs such as Fentanyl, with the harsh reality that the power of organized crime often exceeds even that of governments.